Saturday, February 9, 2013

Shoveling and Energy Bites

    Today started off very well, ate an awesome breakfast, got outside and started to shovel the enormous amount of snow in our driveway. Eventually it got done with a few breaks here and there, once we were done our neighbor insisted to come over and try her new wine. Not a bad way to end a shoveling experience. The wine was called Cupcake- red Velvet, obviously from the name you can tell it was a red. Taste was good, though very sweet. During our shoveling experience I started to crave the cookies I made yesterday, which I had no problem getting because lets face it, I am a sugar-holic. I love sweets! Then my mother stops me reminds of hte energy bites I made earlier in the week. It was perfect while doing an activity like shoveling. Main ingredients are peanut butter and oats which are a good source of protein and fiber. Also who doesnt need an energy boost in this type of weather. Once inside we both just became a bump on log. Picked a spot and didnt move for a few hours. I could have named a dozen different things we could have been doing but o well, we were stranded anyway theres always tomorrow. Nap was only thing going through my mind, and so I did.... the word dinner no where to be found. Now its 8pm and here comes along those energy bites again. Snack, meal replacer, pre workout boost, you choose....

Amazing Energy bites

(makes about 10-12 bites depending on size)

~1 cup old fashion oats
~1/2 cup peanut butter
~1/3 cup honey
~1/2 cup chocolate chips
~1/2 cup raisins

One large bowl mix everything together until oats are coated
Time to get a little messy, pick up about a tablespoon size and roll into small balls
i make them about an inch-inch and half wide
refrigerate for about an hour or until peanut butter isnt sticky

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